Donations of Used Bicycles Needed/Bike Servicing

Warren Collegiate is looking for donations of used bicycles for their Bicycle Repair Program.  If you have old bikes collecting dust, please consider donating them to us instead of sending them to the dump.  We will overhaul and make sure they find a new home.  In addition, we can give your bicycles a spring tune up in our shop.  Labour is free but we will charge fees for consumable parts such as tubes, tires and cables if needed.

in: Bike Shop

Bike Shop

Here are a couple of bike class students in action.  The students are able to service and repair bikes under the watchful eye of Mrs. Stewart, for a nominal fee.  The class has refurbished some small children’s bikes which are available to donate.  Please contact Mrs. Stewart through the school office or email for further details.

in: Bike Shop