Warren Collegiate will be holding virtual progress conversations on the evening of November 4th from 4:15pm to 7:15 pm. Please log on to Powerschool to schedule appointments with your child’s teachers. If you need log on information for Powerschool, please contact the office. The platform for these virtual progress conversations will be Microsoft TEAMS. Your child has access to Microsoft TEAMS and can show you how to log on to their account. At least five minutes prior to your scheduled… Read More
Manitoba public health officials advised Stonewall Collegiate on October 4, 2020 of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the school on September 28 and 29 when the individual may have been infectious. The infection was not believed to be acquired at school. We are working closely with Public Health and following their recommendations. We are not permitted to release the name or any identifying information about the confirmed case of COVID-19 to any member of the school, community or media.… Read More